Elaboration of national scheme for bird protection (A2)
ACTION A.2: Elaboration of national scheme for bird protection on the utility poles within high voltage electricity transmission grid in Lithuania
This action aims to elaborate national level scheme of the segments of high voltage overhead electricity transmission lines (with indication of their individual classification – ID numbers) for installation of special White stork protection measures – “wishbone” and “saucer” type installations, on 1,200 utility poles. Associated beneficiary Litgrid AB, will be responsible for their installation (project action C.3.). However they don’t have proper knowledge which exact segments of the electricity lines around the country are the most attractive as White stork roosting place and, accordingly, are the most dangerous for the species. From the point of view of the cost efficiency, selection of segments of high voltage electric transmission lines for the installation above mentioned White stork protection measures should be planned properly in order to be functional in term of the objectives for which they are implemented – effective protection of White stork local population. This is why the Lithuanian Ornithological Society, which has a team of the experienced field ornithologists familiar with ecological requirements for White stork, will be responsible for the selection of the segments of the high voltage electric lines, which cross habitats supporting the most numerous roosting stocks of the species and, accordingly, which can be considered as the most important for the effective protection of the local White stork population. These segments will be selected very precisely, even indicating the individual number of the marginal pylons of the selected segment as well as official specification of the electric line. Besides, selected segments will be put into GIS database, which later will be used for the monitoring actions (D.1, D.2). The information on the specification of the high voltage electricity lines will be provided by the associated beneficiary Litgrid AB, who will be also responsible for the practical implementation of the C.3 action, i.e. installation of special White stork protection measures – “wishbone” and “saucer” type facilities.
Fieldworkers, basing on White stork ecological requirements and known information on the areas with permanently registered high concentrations of the species, firstly, will do pre-selection assessment in order to recognize prioity territories where fieldwork is essential. Then, they will visit those areas for the field observations. Afterwards the fieldworkers will draft a list of the priority sites for the White stork conservation with clear indication which segments of the electricity lines should be used for installation of the White stork protection measures. The data will be provided to the GIS expert and project management staff. Project GIS expert will put this information to the special database and will provide precise map of the selected sites, which late will be relevant for the implementation of the monitoring actions (D.1-D.2). Project management staff employed for the Lithuanian ornithological Society will be responsible for coordination of this action implementation process as well as drafting of the proposed scheme for the installation of the White stork protection measures, submission it to the project partner Litgrid AB, which will select concrete segments from the longer list for the implementation of the project action C.3, and finally, to the steering committee for the endorsement. Special equipment: 4 sets of binoculars, digital photo cameras and GPS receivers with relevant maps and accessories, as well as one laptop computer will be purchased for the fieldworkers in order to ensure quality of the observations and for proper documentation of the collected field data. The monitor for the laptop computer will ensure convenient work of the fieldworkers in the office (being back from the fieldwork and manage collected data). GIS database license will be purchased for the proper work of GIS expert.
The elaboration of the national level scheme of the segments of high voltage overhead electricity transmission will start and will be finished during the first project year.
This action aims to elaborate national level scheme of the segments of high voltage overhead electricity transmission lines (with indication of their individual classification – ID numbers) for installation of special White stork protection measures – “wishbone” and “saucer” type installations, on 1,200 utility poles. Associated beneficiary Litgrid AB, will be responsible for their installation (project action C.3.). However they don’t have proper knowledge which exact segments of the electricity lines around the country are the most attractive as White stork roosting place and, accordingly, are the most dangerous for the species. From the point of view of the cost efficiency, selection of segments of high voltage electric transmission lines for the installation above mentioned White stork protection measures should be planned properly in order to be functional in term of the objectives for which they are implemented – effective protection of White stork local population. This is why the Lithuanian Ornithological Society, which has a team of the experienced field ornithologists familiar with ecological requirements for White stork, will be responsible for the selection of the segments of the high voltage electric lines, which cross habitats supporting the most numerous roosting stocks of the species and, accordingly, which can be considered as the most important for the effective protection of the local White stork population. These segments will be selected very precisely, even indicating the individual number of the marginal pylons of the selected segment as well as official specification of the electric line. Besides, selected segments will be put into GIS database, which later will be used for the monitoring actions (D.1, D.2). The information on the specification of the high voltage electricity lines will be provided by the associated beneficiary Litgrid AB, who will be also responsible for the practical implementation of the C.3 action, i.e. installation of special White stork protection measures – “wishbone” and “saucer” type facilities.
Fieldworkers, basing on White stork ecological requirements and known information on the areas with permanently registered high concentrations of the species, firstly, will do pre-selection assessment in order to recognize prioity territories where fieldwork is essential. Then, they will visit those areas for the field observations. Afterwards the fieldworkers will draft a list of the priority sites for the White stork conservation with clear indication which segments of the electricity lines should be used for installation of the White stork protection measures. The data will be provided to the GIS expert and project management staff. Project GIS expert will put this information to the special database and will provide precise map of the selected sites, which late will be relevant for the implementation of the monitoring actions (D.1-D.2). Project management staff employed for the Lithuanian ornithological Society will be responsible for coordination of this action implementation process as well as drafting of the proposed scheme for the installation of the White stork protection measures, submission it to the project partner Litgrid AB, which will select concrete segments from the longer list for the implementation of the project action C.3, and finally, to the steering committee for the endorsement. Special equipment: 4 sets of binoculars, digital photo cameras and GPS receivers with relevant maps and accessories, as well as one laptop computer will be purchased for the fieldworkers in order to ensure quality of the observations and for proper documentation of the collected field data. The monitor for the laptop computer will ensure convenient work of the fieldworkers in the office (being back from the fieldwork and manage collected data). GIS database license will be purchased for the proper work of GIS expert.
The elaboration of the national level scheme of the segments of high voltage overhead electricity transmission will start and will be finished during the first project year.
Projektą „Paukščių apsaugos priemonių įdiegimas Lietuvos aukštos įtampos elektros energijos perdavimo tinkluose“ (LIFE13 BIO/LT/001303) finansuoja Europos Sąjungos aplinkos finansinis mechanizmas „LIFE+“, LR Aplinkos ministerija ir projekto partneriai. Projekto pradžia – 2014 m. birželis, planuojama pabaiga – 2018 m. liepa.