International seminar (E3)
ACTION E.3: International seminar on the reduction of bird mortality within electric transmission and distribution grids
The results of the project practical conservation actions will be presented during the international seminar on bird mortality reduction topic within overhead electricity lines grid at the end of the project implementation time. A number of relevant stakeholders (representatives of Ministry of Environment and its subordinated institutions, national electricity grid operators, etc.), bird experts and representatives of national green route NGOs will be invited to attend the meeting.
The seminar provides good possibility to discuss the project topic and achievements in detail, and also will get overview of bad and good experiences of the project actions as well as different EU countries in the field of bird mortality reduction within overhead electricity lines grid. The event will provide a possibility to get a number of experienced experts working on the project topic, to discuss the problems met and on achieved results with them and, finally, to conclude, which best known practices are the most effective for the reduction of bird mortality on overhead electricity lines. The seminar allows invite participants of wider audience including the energetic, nature conservation and scientific research sectors. Thus, the seminar will be dedicated for dissemination of the project results and best practices of other EU countries to wide stakeholder group. During the event, achievements of the project and seminars findings and will be presented. Following outputs of the event are foreseen:
- Disseminated information about project results/achievements;
- Sharing experience on implementation of the practical conservation measures (including challenges and lessons learned for other conservation projects);
- Receiving feedback from the stakeholder how do they evaluate project outputs;
- Discussion on the con tinuation of the project actions around the Lithuania and beyond as well as maintenance of the implemented measures after the project end;
- The seminar content should be reflected on national and international media;
- The seminar materials (presentations of the speakers and resolution of the seminar) will be published in the scientific magazine of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society - "Ciconia".
The results of the project practical conservation actions will be presented during the international seminar on bird mortality reduction topic within overhead electricity lines grid at the end of the project implementation time. A number of relevant stakeholders (representatives of Ministry of Environment and its subordinated institutions, national electricity grid operators, etc.), bird experts and representatives of national green route NGOs will be invited to attend the meeting.
The seminar provides good possibility to discuss the project topic and achievements in detail, and also will get overview of bad and good experiences of the project actions as well as different EU countries in the field of bird mortality reduction within overhead electricity lines grid. The event will provide a possibility to get a number of experienced experts working on the project topic, to discuss the problems met and on achieved results with them and, finally, to conclude, which best known practices are the most effective for the reduction of bird mortality on overhead electricity lines. The seminar allows invite participants of wider audience including the energetic, nature conservation and scientific research sectors. Thus, the seminar will be dedicated for dissemination of the project results and best practices of other EU countries to wide stakeholder group. During the event, achievements of the project and seminars findings and will be presented. Following outputs of the event are foreseen:
- Disseminated information about project results/achievements;
- Sharing experience on implementation of the practical conservation measures (including challenges and lessons learned for other conservation projects);
- Receiving feedback from the stakeholder how do they evaluate project outputs;
- Discussion on the con tinuation of the project actions around the Lithuania and beyond as well as maintenance of the implemented measures after the project end;
- The seminar content should be reflected on national and international media;
- The seminar materials (presentations of the speakers and resolution of the seminar) will be published in the scientific magazine of the Lithuanian Ornithological Society - "Ciconia".
Projektą „Paukščių apsaugos priemonių įdiegimas Lietuvos aukštos įtampos elektros energijos perdavimo tinkluose“ (LIFE13 BIO/LT/001303) finansuoja Europos Sąjungos aplinkos finansinis mechanizmas „LIFE+“, LR Aplinkos ministerija ir projekto partneriai. Projekto pradžia – 2014 m. birželis, planuojama pabaiga – 2018 m. liepa.