Production of printed materials (E6)
ACTION E.6: Production and distribution of printed materials about the project and problem-solving
During implementation of this action, a number printed material will be published at different stages of project implementation. All printed material will follow similar design structure to keep clear project identity and visibility criteria defined by LIFE+ requirements.
At the start of project implementation period, a leaflet will be produced to introduce to the project. This A4 format, one-page, color-printed leaflet in 1000 copies will contain basic information about the project: goals, activities, donors and contacts of the project team – it will be some kind of project visiting-card. The leaflet will be printed in Lithuanian language and will be distributed to all concerned stakeholders and green route national NGOs. The leaflet will be distributed during individual meetings with stakeholders as well as implementation process of the project actions and will be placed in the offices of the project beneficiaries.
At the end of the each calendar year during whole project implementation period wall-calendars (a separate one each year – 4 years in total) will be produced and published in 500 copies for each year as supportive awareness raising and visibility materials. These calendars will be distributed during meetings with stakeholders. The materials will contain a slogan promoting bird conservation measures on the overhead electricity grids and will be placed on the wall to remind stakeholders every day on the existing problem and
their solutions possibilities. The calendars will be colored with photos and clear related with project problematic.
Special brochure for general public with a focus for kids on the conservation of the birds within electricity distribution lines grid inviting them to observe the situation in their living areas and inform the Lithuanian Ornithological Society the bird mortality cases under the electricity lines about as well as bird breeding cases on the overhead electricity lines pylons, i.e. to take part in the monitoring action, will be published at the end of the first project year. This brochure will be printed in full colour, 16 pages volume, in 750 copies, in Lithuanian language and contains attactive illustrations. The brochure will be distributed among the school
and local NGOs, which will show interest into the above mentioned topic after the information in media.
At the end of the second project year a special brochure in order to illustrate properly the project topic, with detail and popular description of its problematic issues and their solving possibilities as well as detail introduction and argumentation of the planned project actions and their expected results will be produced and distributed among the relevant stakeholders, mainly, from the nature conservation and energy operation sector. It will summarize the world-wide experience on reduction of bird mortality within overhead electricity lines grid, however, will focus on the bird mortality problems within high voltage electricity transmission grid in Lithuania and other countries, especially, on their effective solution possibilities and expected results from the conservation efforts. This review will be printed in full colour, 16 pages volume, in 800 copies, in Lithuanian and English languages and will contains a lot of illustrations. Because the report will be duplicated with English text, it will be targeted for informing international audience too and will be distributed through the wide network of BirdLife partners world-wide.
Printed materials of the project:
- Leaflet, produced and distributed at the begining of the project. Download >> (6,4 MB)

Projektą „Paukščių apsaugos priemonių įdiegimas Lietuvos aukštos įtampos elektros energijos perdavimo tinkluose“ (LIFE13 BIO/LT/001303) finansuoja Europos Sąjungos aplinkos finansinis mechanizmas „LIFE+“, LR Aplinkos ministerija ir projekto partneriai. Projekto pradžia – 2014 m. birželis, planuojama pabaiga – 2018 m. liepa.