The first project‘s stage is being finalised
The Lithuanian Ornithological Society in partnership with AB “Litgrid”, which is the high voltage transmission lines operator in Lithuania, started a four years project “Installation of the bird protection measures on the high voltage electricity transmission grid in Lithuania” (LIFE13 BIO/LT/001303). The project is financed by the EU LIFE+ Programme.
The project covers 20 different activities, which are divided into the preparatory, conservation, monitoring, dissemination and other actions. The preparatory actions include preparation of national scheme of the electricity transmission grid with the indicated places, where the special birds’ protection measures will be installed with the aim to decrease the birds’ mortality rate.
The precise places, which are potentially the most dangerous for the birds are not know, therefore late 2014 the monitoring activities were performed with the aim to discover the “hot spots”. Monitoring was done by 5 experienced ornithologists, who checked separate sections of the electricity grid taking into account ecological aspects of the White Stork. They also evaluated necessity to install special protection measures on the precise sections of the electricity grid.
Based on the ArcGIS online tool an application–map has been created, which contains information on the electricity grid, as well as some monitoring results.
Projektą „Paukščių apsaugos priemonių įdiegimas Lietuvos aukštos įtampos elektros energijos perdavimo tinkluose“ (LIFE13 BIO/LT/001303) finansuoja Europos Sąjungos aplinkos finansinis mechanizmas „LIFE+“, LR Aplinkos ministerija ir projekto partneriai. Projekto pradžia – 2014 m. birželis, planuojama pabaiga – 2018 m. liepa.